
Problem M

Born in Warsaw, Benoît Mandelbrot (1924–2010) is considered the father of fractal geometry. He studied mathematical processes that described self-similar and natural shapes known as fractals. Perhaps his most well-known contribution is the Mandelbrot set, which is pictured below (the set contains the black points):

\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth ]{mandelbrot}

The Mandelbrot set is typically drawn on the complex plane, a 2-dimensional plane representing all complex numbers. The horizontal axis represents the real portion of the number, and the vertical axis represents the imaginary portion. A complex number $c = x + yi$ (at position $(x,y)$ on the complex plane) is not in the Mandelbrot set if the following sequence diverges:

\[ z_{n+1} \leftarrow z_ n^2 + c \]

beginning with $z_0=0$. That is, $\lim _{n\rightarrow \infty } |z_ n| = \infty $. If the sequence does not diverge, then $c$ is in the set.

Recall the following facts about imaginary numbers and their arithmetic:

\[ i = \sqrt {-1}, \quad i^2 = -1, \quad (x + yi)^2 = x^2 - y^2 + 2xyi, \quad |x+yi| = \sqrt {x^2 + y^2} \]

where $x$ and $y$ are real numbers, and $|\cdot |$ is known as the modulus of a complex number (in the complex plane, the modulus of $x+yi$ is equal to the straight-line distance from the origin to the the point $(x, y)$).

Write a program which determines if the sequence $z_ n$ diverges for a given value $c$ within a fixed number of iterations. That is, is $c$ in the Mandelbrot set or not? To detect divergence, just check to see if $|z_ n| > 2$ for any $z_ n$ that we compute – if this happens, the sequence is guaranteed to diverge.


There are up to $15$ test cases, one per line, up to end of file. Each test case is described by a single line containing three numbers: two real numbers $-3 \leq x, y \leq 3$, and an integer $0 \leq r \leq 10\, 000$. Each real number has at most $4$ digits after the decimal point. The value of $c$ for this case is $x + yi$, and $r$ is the maximum number of iterations to compute.


For each case, display the case number followed by whether the given $c$ is in the Mandelbrot set, using IN or OUT.

Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1
0 0 100
1.264 -1.109 100
1.264 -1.109 10
1.264 -1.109 1
-2.914 -1.783 200
0.124 0.369 200
Case 1: IN
Case 2: OUT
Case 3: OUT
Case 4: IN
Case 5: OUT
Case 6: IN

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