Problem K
Ray Chasing
Ray tracing is becoming very popular in modern video games. You decide to brush up on the topic. After reading a bit of the math behind how it works, you feel the need to get a bit of hands-on experience. So you consider the following simple problem that does not involve any reflections of the ray.
Given a box with sides parallel to the $x$- and $y$-axes of the Euclidean plane, you emit a ray starting from some point in the interior of the box. Calculate which side of the box is first hit by the ray. If the ray perfectly hits a corner, you should indicate both sides of the box that meet at that corner.
![\includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth ]{figure.pdf}](/problems/raychasing/file/statement/en/img-0001.png)
The first line of input consists of four integers $X_1, X_2, Y_1, Y_2$. These give the coordinates of the sides of the box. The second line contains four integers $X_ s, Y_ s, X_ r, Y_ r$ describing two points $X_1 < X_ s < X_2, Y_1 < Y_ s < Y_2$ and $(X_ s, Y_ s) != (X_ r, Y_ r)$ (i.e. the points are distinct). This indicates the ray starts at point $(X_ s, Y_ s)$ and travels in the direction that passes through $(X_ r, Y_ r)$. All integers in the input will lie between $-10^4$ and $10^4$ (inclusive). Note, the point $(X_ r, Y_ r)$ may lie inside the box, on the boundary of the box, or even outside the box; it merely indicates the direction the ray is travelling.
If the ray does not hit a corner of the box, print the appropriate string left, right, bottom, or top indicating which side was hit by the ray. These correspond to the following ranges of coordinates.
The left side is $\{ (X_1, y) : Y_1 \leq y \leq Y_2\} $.
The right side is $\{ (X_2, y) : Y_1 \leq y \leq Y_2\} $.
The bottom side is $\{ (x, Y_1) : X_1 \leq y \leq X_2\} $.
The top side is $\{ (x, Y_2) : X_1 \leq y \leq X_2\} $.
If the ray hits a corner of the box, output the corresponding hyphenated string indicating which corner was hit: top-left, top-right, bottom-left, or bottom-right.
Sample Input 1 | Sample Output 1 |
-2 2 -2 2 0 0 2 2 |
top-right |
Sample Input 2 | Sample Output 2 |
-2 2 -2 2 0 0 -3 3 |
top-left |
Sample Input 3 | Sample Output 3 |
-2 2 -2 2 0 0 -1 -2 |
bottom |
Sample Input 4 | Sample Output 4 |
-10 12 17 24 -9 23 -7 12 |
bottom |