Problem B
Calculating Dart Scores

Given a target score, output at most three throw scores such that their sum is equal to the given target score. Note that the centre of the dartboard, which is usually called bullseye, is not taken into account is this problem.
The input consists of a single integer $n$ ($1\leq n \leq 180$), the target score.
If the target score can be achieved, output at most three lines, each of the form “single $d$”, “double $d$”, or “triple $d$”, where $d$ is an integer between $1$ and $20$ (inclusive), such that the sum of these scores is equal to $n$. Otherwise, output “impossible”. If there are multiple valid answers you may output any of them.
Sample Input 1 | Sample Output 1 |
180 |
triple 20 triple 20 triple 20 |
Sample Input 2 | Sample Output 2 |
96 |
triple 19 double 15 single 9 |
Sample Input 3 | Sample Output 3 |
27 |
triple 9 |