
Problem D

A palindrome is a sequence of two or more characters that reads the same both forward and backward. Palindromes can appear inside a longer text, such as “Happy days are here again.” in which “pp”, “ehe” and “ere” are some of the palindromes (ignoring spaces, punctuation, and case). An anti-palindrome is a sequence of two or more characters in which there are no palindromes. You are given text that may contain, or itself form, a palindrome. Your task is to determine if there are any palindromes in the text, in which case declare "Palindrome", or if there are none, declare "Anti-palindrome". The text may contain spaces, as well as alphabetic and other non-alphabetic characters. All non-alphabetic characters should be ignored, and uppercase and lowercase letters are considered the same when detecting palindromes.


The input consists of one line of text as specified above. The input line will not be longer than 80 characters, and contains at least one alphabetic character.


Print “Palindrome" if the text contains or is itself a palindrome, or “Anti-palindrome" if there are no palindromes in the text.

Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1
Happy days are here again.
Sample Input 2 Sample Output 2
It is game day.
Sample Input 3 Sample Output 3
It was game day.

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