Problem C
Wordle Feedback
Wordle is a single-player word-guessing computer game developed by Josh Wardle, and later purchased by The New York Times. In each Wordle game instance, the player is given six attempts to guess a secret $5\textrm{-letter}$ word. On each attempt, the player simply enters a $5\textrm{-letter}$ guess (which must be a real $5\textrm{-letter}$ word), and then the game gives feedback about the correctness of the guess by assigning a colour to each letter in the guess as follows:
if the letter appears in the secret word in the same position, it is assigned green
if the letter appears in the secret word, but not in the same position, it is assigned yellow
if the letter does not appear in the secret word, it is assigned gray
There is one situation that requires a refinement of the above feedback rule. Suppose a letter appears $x$ times in the secret word, and $y$ times in the guess, with $1 \leq x < y$. And suppose $g$ of the occurrences of the letter in the guess are assigned green $(\textrm{clearly }g < y)$. Then there are $y-g$ remaining occurrences of the letter in the guess, but only $x-g$ remaining occurrences of the letter in the secret word. Wordle will colour the leftmost $x-g$ of these $y-g$ occurrences in the guess yellow, and the rest gray. For an example of this situation, see Sample Input/Output 3.
Given a secret word and a guess, determine the resulting Wordle feedback.
The input consists of two lines, the first of which contains a secret word, and the second of which contains a guess. Each is a string of $5$ uppercase English letters (A–Z). Even though Wordle stipulates that secret words and guesses must be real words, for the purpose of this problem the input may be any two $\textrm{length-}5$ strings.
Output a string consisting of $5$ characters, representing the colors assigned to the letters in the guess, in the same order. Use ‘G’ for green, ‘Y’ for yellow, and ‘-’ (hyphen) for gray.
Sample Input 1 | Sample Output 1 |
Y---Y |
Sample Input 2 | Sample Output 2 |
Sample Input 3 | Sample Output 3 |
Y--G- |