
Problem H
House Deconstruction

In the land of Circleland, there is a circle that has equally spaced points around its circumference. The distance between any two adjacent points is $1$.

There are people and houses on the circle’s points. Each point contains a person, an empty house, or nothing at all. Each person would like to walk to a different house. Each house can contain at most one person. People can only walk along the circumference of the circle; they cannot cut across.

Currently, there are more houses than people, so you’d like to destroy some of the houses. Suppose you destroy a set of houses $S$. Let $f(S)$ be the minimum total amount of walking needed to get each person to a different non-destroyed house.

Compute the minimum value of $f(S)$, compute how many sets of houses $S$ achieve this minimum value. Since the number of sets $S$ can be large, output it modulo $998\, 244\, 353$.


The first line of input contains three integers $x$, $n$, and $m$ ($1 \leq n < m \leq 2 \cdot 10^5, n+m \leq x \leq 10^9$), where $x$ is the number of points around the circle, $n$ is the number of people, and $m$ is the number of houses. The points are labeled $1$ to $x$, and point $x$ is adjacent to point $1$.

The next $n+m$ lines each contain two tokens, an integer $p$ ($1 \le p \le x$) and a character $t$ ($t \in \{ \texttt{P},\texttt{H}\} $), where $p$ denotes the position of a person or house, and $t$ denotes the type of the point, either P for person or H for house. All positions are distinct, and the positions will be given in increasing order.


Output two lines. On the first line output the minimum possible value of $f(S)$. On the second line output the number of sets $S$ that achieve this minimum value, modulo $998\, 244\, 353$.

Sample Explanation

For the first sample, the minimum total walking distance is $2$. We can destroy the set of houses at $\{ 2,5\} $, $\{ 4,5\} $ or $\{ 5,6\} $.

For the second sample, we can destroy the set of houses at $\{ 6, 31415926\} $ for a minimum total walking distance of $4$. Note that even though the minimum walking distance can be achieved in multiple ways, it is only counted once since the set of destroyed houses is the same.

Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1
6 2 4
1 P
2 H
3 P
4 H
5 H
6 H
Sample Input 2 Sample Output 2
1000000000 2 4
1 P
6 H
31415926 H
999999998 H
999999999 H
1000000000 P

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