Problem E
Roman Holidays
The ancient Romans created many important things: aqueducts, really straight roads, togas, those candles that spout fireworks. But the most useless is Roman numerals, a very awkward way to represent positive integers.
The Roman numeral system uses seven different letters, each representing a different numerical value: the letter I represents the value $1$, V $5$, X $10$, L $50$, C $100$, D $500$ and M $1\, 000$. These can be combined to form the following base values:
$1$ |
$2$ |
$3$ |
$4$ |
$5$ |
$6$ |
$7$ |
$8$ |
$9$ |
$10$ |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
IX |
X |
$10$ |
$20$ |
$30$ |
$40$ |
$50$ |
$60$ |
$70$ |
$80$ |
$90$ |
$100$ |
X |
XX |
XL |
L |
LX |
XC |
C |
$100$ |
$200$ |
$300$ |
$400$ |
$500$ |
$600$ |
$700$ |
$800$ |
$900$ |
$1\, 000$ |
C |
CC |
CD |
D |
DC |
CM |
M |
The Roman numeral representation of a non-base value number $x$ is obtained by first breaking up $x$ into a sum of base values and then translating each base value, largest to smallest. When choosing base values you always choose the largest one $\leq x$ first, then the largest one $\leq $ the amount remaining, and so on. Thus $14 = 10 + 4$ = XIV, $792 = 700 + 90 + 2$ = DCCXCII. Numbers larger than $1\, 000$ use as many M’s as necessary. So $2\, 018$ = MMXVIII and $1\, 000\, 000$ would be a string of one thousand M’s (hence the word “awkward” in the first paragraph).
The Roman numeral representation gives a new way to order the positive integers. We can now order them alphabetically if we treat the Roman representation of each integer as a word. If one word $A$ is a prefix for another word $B$ then $A$ comes first. We’ll call this the roman ordering of the positive integers. Thus the first number in roman ordering is C (100 in our system). The next three numbers would be CC, CCC and CCCI, and so on.
Note in roman ordering, all numbers larger than $1\, 000$ would come before any number starting with V or X. Indeed the last number is XXXVIII. In this problem you will be given one or more positive integers and must determine their positions in the roman ordering – from the front or back as appropriate.
Input starts with a positive integer $n \leq 100$ indicating the number of positive integers to follow, each on a separate line. Each of these remaining numbers will be $\leq 10^9$.
For each value (other than $n$), output the position of the integer in the roman ordering, one per line. If the position is relative to the end of the roman ordering, make the integer negative. Thus $38$ has roman ordering position $-1$, $37$ has position $-2$, and so on.
Sample Input 1 | Sample Output 1 |
3 100 101 38 |
1 302 -1 |