0h 0m 0s
-1059 days 6:19:08
Contest is over


Time elapsed

0h 55m 0s

Time Remaining

0h 0m 0s

Starts in

-1059 days 6:19:08

Ends in



2022-04-20 01:55 CEST


2022-04-20 02:50 CEST

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Problem A
Batter Up — Problem Statistics

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Submissions 17964
Accepted submissions 10939
Submission ratio 60.89%
Authors 10341
Accepted authors 9961
Author ratio 96.33%

4254 users have solved this problem in 0.00 seconds (all languages)

The 10 shortest solutions (all languages)

1Chenzhang Hu5Bash2024-02-03 13:46:35
2Thomas Feld13Bash2023-09-26 19:22:03
3Max NC37APL2023-03-13 01:30:32
4Johan Clarström37APL2023-03-13 03:30:41
5Hidden user48APL2023-03-08 04:05:27
6Saito Ta48Perl2024-04-02 07:07:48
7Steve Allen50APL2023-04-23 00:26:30
8Danny Robinson50Bash2023-11-23 08:26:53
9Alexander Bilde Pedersen58Ruby2023-03-24 01:32:00
10Ara Hacopian59Ruby2023-07-16 01:02:33

Solution running time distribution