Problem K
Little Matej is solving an OOP (Object-oriented programming) laboratory exercise and he’s having trouble with solving one subtask.
He is given a set that contains $N$ words. He is also given $Q$ queries where each query is one pattern. A pattern consists of a single character “*” and lowercase letters of the English alphabet. For example, “*”, “kul*to”, “ana*”.
A pattern is said to cover a word if such an array of letters (which can be empty) exists that, when replacing the character “*”, the pattern and the word become completely identical. It is necessary to output how many words each pattern covers.
The first line of input contains two integers $N$ and $Q$ ($1 \leq N, Q \leq 100\, 000$). Each of the following $N$ lines contains a word that consists of lowercase letters of the English alphabet. Each of the following $Q$ lines contains a pattern for which you need to output how many words from the first set it covers. The total number of characters will be less than $4\, 000\, 000$.
Output $Q$ lines, the $k$-th line containing the number of words that the $k$-th pattern covers.
Sample Input 1 | Sample Output 1 |
3 3 aaa abc aba a*a aaa* *aaa |
2 1 1 |
Sample Input 2 | Sample Output 2 |
5 3 eedecc ebdecb eaba ebcddc eb e* *dca e*c |
5 0 2 |