0h 0m 0s
-2643 days 6:06:39
Contest is over

ICPC North America Qualifier 2017 Open

Time elapsed

5h 0m 0s

Time Remaining

0h 0m 0s

Starts in

-2643 days 6:06:39

Ends in



2017-10-07 18:15 CEST


2017-10-07 23:15 CEST

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ICPC North America Qualifier 2017 Open

ICPC North America Qualifier 2017 Open


Compiler settings

We use dotnet 8.0.404 to compile your program with the following command:

$ dotnet build --no-restore --configuration Release --framework net8.0 --runtime linux-x64

    File Extensions

    Files with any of the following file extensions will be used: .fs

    Additional information

    Additional language-specific advice and information for many languages is available in the knowledge base