Problem E
Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

If the count is reached on the hour, report the time at the start of that hour. That is, you may assume the cuckoo finishes sounding off before the minute is up.
The input consists of 2 lines. The first line contains the current time in the form HH:MM where $1 \leq \texttt{HH} \leq 12$ and $0 \leq \texttt{MM} \leq 59$, with leading 0’s if necessary. The second line contains a single integer representing the target number $N$ such that $1 \leq N \leq 200$.
Print the time at which the cuckoo bird has sounded off $N$ times. The time should be printed in the same format as the input.
Sample Input 1 | Sample Output 1 |
02:36 1 |
02:45 |
Sample Input 2 | Sample Output 2 |
12:00 13 |
12:15 |
Sample Input 3 | Sample Output 3 |
11:00 30 |
01:00 |