Problem A
Bits Equalizer
You are given two non-empty strings $S$ and $T$ of equal lengths. $S$ contains the characters ‘0’, ‘1’ and ‘?’, whereas $T$ contains ‘0’ and ‘1’ only. Your task is to convert $S$ into $T$ in minimum number of moves. In each move, you can
change a ‘0’ in $S$ to ‘1’,
change a ‘?’ in $S$ to ‘0’ or ‘1’, or
swap any two characters in $S$.
As an example, suppose $S =$ “01??00” and $T =$ “001010”. We can transform $S$ into $T$ in 3 moves:
Initially $S =$ “01??00”
Move 1: change $S[2]$ to ‘1’. $S$ becomes “011?00”.
Move 2: change $S[3]$ to ‘0’. $S$ becomes “011000”
Move 3: swap $S[1]$ with $S[4]$. $S$ becomes “001010”
$S$ is now equal to $T$.
The first line of input is an integer $C$ ($C \leq 200$) that indicates the number of test cases.
Each case consists of two lines. The first line is the string $S$ consisting of ‘0’, ‘1’ and ‘?’. The second line is the string $T$ consisting of ‘0’ and ‘1’. The lengths of the strings won’t be larger than $100$.
For each case, output the case number first followed by the minimum number of moves required to convert $S$ into $T$. If the transition is impossible, output $-1$ instead.
Sample Input 1 | Sample Output 1 |
3 01??00 001010 01 10 110001 000000 |
Case 1: 3 Case 2: 1 Case 3: -1 |