Problem F
Head Guard
You are the Head guard at the Royal Blue Mountain Castle.
Your job is simple: take a tally of how many types of critters came through which doors, and in what order.
The castle is renowned for its numerous doors, however sometimes they may or may not be open.
The input consists of $1$ to $15$ lines. Each line contains a string of $1$ to $500$ lowercase English letters.
On each line output the number of characters that went through in a row, formatted as a number immediately followed by the character. For example, if we have the string “aaaabb” this becomes “4a2b”. If the same character appears twice such as in “aaabbaaa” then you do not combine this to become “6a2b”: since the order is important to the guards, we must keep it as “3a2b3a”.
Sample Input 1 | Sample Output 1 |
aaaaabbbccddeee kklllmmnnnnn aaaabb aaabbaaa aaabbzzzzzzoiousssslllwwwkppdddmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnppppqq |
5a3b2c2d3e 2k3l2m5n 4a2b 3a2b3a 3a2b6z1o1i1o1u4s3l3w1k2p3d1m15n4p2q |