
Problem C

Languages en is
Image by Randall Munroe, xkcd.com

FKHÍ’s continuous integration system performs many tasks. Ensures input data is formatted correctly, looks for typos in problem statements and more. After having made a reference to a popular movie in the last contest and spoiled an important plot point for those who had not seen it yet, the organisers have decided to add a spoiler filtering program into the integration system. The spoiler filtering program should analyse all text in the contest data files and make sure there is no text spoiling important plot points that people would rather not have spoiled. But to create such a system one needs to determine what text is a spoiler, so the program knows what it is looking for. Thus your task is to create a text file containing all possible spoilers.

All possible first words of a spoiler have been determined, same for all possible second words and so on. Thus the only task left is to generate all possible combinations of these words to prepare the text file.


The input begins with a single integer $1 \leq n \leq 100$, the number of words in each spoiler. $n$ lines follow, one for each word. The $i$-th line begins with an integer $1 \leq k \leq 100$, the number of options for the $i$-th word. Next these $k$ words follow on the same line, separated by spaces. These $k$ words are distinct from each other. All words in the input only contain English lower and upper case characters. Each word is at least $1$ letter and at most $20$ letters in length.


Print all possible ways to combine the words into a spoiler. Each spoiler should be on its own line. The spoilers are to be printed in ASCII-order (note that this is the default order in most programming languages). It is guaranteed that the output will contain at most $10^6$ letters.

Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1
3 kyle malloc sebelius
1 gets
1 a
3 beige ochre aquamarine
2 lightsaber moonsquisher
kyle gets a aquamarine lightsaber 
kyle gets a aquamarine moonsquisher 
kyle gets a beige lightsaber 
kyle gets a beige moonsquisher 
kyle gets a ochre lightsaber 
kyle gets a ochre moonsquisher 
malloc gets a aquamarine lightsaber 
malloc gets a aquamarine moonsquisher 
malloc gets a beige lightsaber 
malloc gets a beige moonsquisher 
malloc gets a ochre lightsaber 
malloc gets a ochre moonsquisher 
sebelius gets a aquamarine lightsaber 
sebelius gets a aquamarine moonsquisher 
sebelius gets a beige lightsaber 
sebelius gets a beige moonsquisher 
sebelius gets a ochre lightsaber 
sebelius gets a ochre moonsquisher 

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