
Problem I
Travelling Delivery Person

Frederic Edward Xavier runs a very successful delivery company called FredEX. He’s been looking at driving records lately, and is not happy with the costs of delivery.

He has made the following estimations:

  • Driving from one intersection to the neighboring one costs $B$ dollars

  • Going straight through an intersection costs $S$ dollars

  • Turning right in an intersection costs $R$ dollars

  • Turning left in an intersection costs $L$ dollars

  • Delivering a package is free, but you still pay the cost for the turn/going straight in that intersection.

FredEX operates in a city where the streets make up an infinite grid of square blocks, with intersections numbered from $(-\infty ,-\infty )$ to $(\infty ,\infty )$. Lower numbers on the $x$ axis are to the left, and lower numbers on the $y$ axis are down. The truck starts at the intersection $(0, 0)$ but you may choose which direction it should face. There are $N$ packages that must be delivered in a specific order. The truck cannot go in reverse, and cannot perform U-turns to go back the way it came. Help Frederic find out the cheapest way to deliver all $N$ packages.


The first line of the input is a line with five space-separated integers $B$, $S$, $R$, $L$ and $N$.

Then follow $N$ lines, each with two space-separated integers $X_ i$ and $Y_ i$, the $x$ and $y$ coordinates of the intersection for delivering package number $i$. The packages are listed in the order they must be delivered.


Output the minimum cost of delivering all packages.


  • $1 \leq S, R, L, B \leq 100$

  • $1 \leq N \leq 30\, 000$

  • $-5 \leq X_ i, Y_ i \leq 5$

Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1
1 1 1 10 2
2 2
1 2

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