Problem D
Anthony and Diablo
Anthony has a pet hamster named Diablo. Diablo enjoys having lots of space to move around, so Anthony wants to build him a cage that covers as much area as possible.
However, Diablo also likes to dig and hide very much, and
when he does, it is an absolute pain for Anthony to find Diablo
(Diablo is very good at hiding). Therefore, Anthony wants to
make sure the cage he builds for Diablo is not too big. In
particular, Anthony wants to make sure the area of the cage is
Anthony has
The input contains two real numbers
Output a single line with “Diablo is happy!” if Anthony can build his cage for Diablo, “Need more materials!” otherwise.
Sample Input 1 | Sample Output 1 |
1.000000 4.000000 |
Diablo is happy! |
Sample Input 2 | Sample Output 2 |
1.000000 0.000000 |
Need more materials! |