
Problem D

Little Mirko is studying the hash function which associates numerical values to words. The function is defined recursively in the following way:

  • $f( \text {empty word} ) = 0$

  • $f( \text {word} + \text {letter} ) = ( ( f( \text {word} ) \cdot 33 ) \oplus \mathrm{ord}( \text {letter} ) ) \mathbin {\% } \mathrm{MOD}$

The function is defined for words that consist of only lowercase letters of the English alphabet. $\oplus $ stands for the bitwise exclusive or operator (i.e. $0110 \oplus 1010 = 1100$), $\mathrm{ord}(\text {letter})$ stands for the ordinal number of the letter in the alphabet ($\mathrm{ord}(\mathtt{a}) = 1$, $\mathrm{ord}(\mathtt{z}) = 26$) and $A \mathbin {\% } B$ stands for the remainder of the number $A$ when performing integer division with the number $B$. $\mathrm{MOD}$ will be an integer of the form $2^ M$.

Some values of the hash function when $M$ = 10:

  • $f( \mathtt{a} ) = 1$

  • $f ( \mathtt{aa} ) = 32$

  • $f ( \mathtt{kit} ) = 438$

Mirko wants to find out how many words of the length $N$ there are with the hash value $K$. Write a programme to help him calculate this number.


The first line of input contains three integers $N$, $K$ and $M$ ($1 \leq N \leq 10$, $0 \leq K < 2^ M$, $6 \leq M \leq 25$).


The first and only line of output must consist of the required number from the task.

Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1
1 0 10
Sample Input 2 Sample Output 2
1 2 10
Sample Input 3 Sample Output 3
3 16 10

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