[MCPCRR] Week#1


Name Solved / Tries Average tries Average tries to solve
A How Many Digits? 14/39 (36%) 2.29 2.00
B Bachet's Game 10/13 (77%) 1.30 1.30
C Supercomputer 11/22 (50%) 2.00 2.00
D Periodic Strings 12/17 (71%) 1.42 1.42
E Alien Numbers 10/13 (77%) 1.30 1.30
F Minimum Scalar Product 15/33 (45%) 1.94 2.07
G Alphabet 13/24 (54%) 1.85 1.85
H Greedily Increasing Subsequence 13/21 (62%) 1.62 1.62
I ls 5/17 (29%) 1.89 1.40
J Divisors 10/11 (91%) 1.10 1.10
K Dead Fraction 5/26 (19%) 4.33 4.00
L Virtual Friends 12/46 (26%) 3.83 3.83
M Breaking Bad 8/30 (27%) 3.33 2.75
N What Does It Mean? 6/24 (25%) 2.67 1.83
O Bing It On 13/24 (54%) 1.85 1.85
P Bumped! 7/27 (26%) 3.86 3.86
Q Power Strings 11/38 (29%) 3.45 3.45
R Muzicari 3/12 (25%) 3.00 3.33
S Gears 3/11 (27%) 2.75 2.67
T Cat and Mice 2/20 (10%) 4.00 4.00