Problem B
Mixed-Base Arithmetic
The Perl programming language makes it easy to implement counters that mix numeric and alphabetic characters. Lower-case letters behave as if they are a base-$26$ digit counting from a up to z, upper-case letters behave as if they are a base-$26$ digit counting from A up to Z and decimal digits behave as usual. The fun part is that you can mix all three types of digits into a single string and incrementing still works fine, with carries propagating from one type of digit to another. For example, incrementing the string aB9 gives you aC0. If a carry propagates out of the high-order digit, Perl adds a new digit of the same type as the previous high-order digit, so incrementing zZz9 gives aaAa0.
Perl places some restrictions on the structure and use of a counter like this. In particular, all decimal digits must be at the right end of the counter and incrementing by one is the only available operation. In this problem, implement a Perl-like counter keeping these restrictions.
Input contains several test cases, one per line. Each test case consists of a counter $c$ followed by a desired increment amount $i$. The value of $c$ is non-empty and may consist of up to $100$ upper-case letters, lower-case letters and decimal digits. All decimal digits are to the right of any alphabet characters. The value $i$ is given as a decimal integer in the range $[0, 1\, 000\, 000]$. The sequence of test cases ends at the end of file.
For every test case, print out a line giving the value of counter $c$ after it has been incremented $i$ times.
Sample Input 1 | Sample Output 1 |
a 12 2 5 zZ9 1 Zz9 1 Zz9 6761 aZ9 651 gb7 5017 gXrbk539 278392 99 1 |
m 7 aaA0 AAa0 BAa0 dN0 zj4 gXrmc931 100 |