ENSAT Eid practice #1


Name Solved / Tries Average tries Average tries to solve
A Simon Says 12/17 (71%) 1.42 1.42
B Luhn's Checksum Algorithm 9/32 (28%) 3.20 1.89
C Seven Wonders 12/14 (86%) 1.17 1.17
D Math Homework 9/18 (50%) 2.00 2.00
E Reversed Binary Numbers 9/27 (33%) 2.70 1.44
F Problem Classification 6/11 (55%) 1.83 1.83
G Room Painting 5/19 (26%) 2.71 2.80
H Alice in the Digital World 9/35 (26%) 3.50 3.56
I Gregory the Grasshopper 2/7 (29%) 3.50 3.50
J Knapsack 2/9 (22%) 2.25 1.00
K Nikola 3/5 (60%) 1.67 1.67
L Robots on a Grid 2/23 (9%) 7.67 11.00
M Prime Path 1/8 (12%) 8.00 8.00
N Dvoniz 3/7 (43%) 1.40 1.67