2020 East Central NA Regional Contest - Practice


Name Solved / Tries Average tries Average tries to solve
A The Easiest Problem Is This One 39/55 (71%) 1.38 1.36
B Amalgamated Artichokes 29/58 (50%) 1.93 1.90
C Chess 25/48 (52%) 1.92 1.92
D Polish Notation 13/31 (42%) 2.07 1.92
E Cat and Mice 7/17 (41%) 2.43 2.43
F Craters 7/49 (14%) 6.12 6.00
G Railroad Map 11/19 (58%) 1.46 1.45
H Casting Spells 7/27 (26%) 2.70 2.00