UVa Practice 3 - Fall 2021


Name Team Members
Jajajava Jacob Rice, Justin Zhang, Charles Brady
ray c ur pp ray like wat he see 👍 Hu Tao, being the little prankster she is, has tried to scare you with this graph problem! You are given a connected undirected graph of n nodes with m edges. You also have q queries. Ray is my bae please marry me! 😊❤️😳❤️😍 Richard Wang, Ray Bai, Hidden User
The ^@ Team Nicholas Winschel
Seg Faults Annabel Li, Edward Lue
Big O Mode Alexander Johnson, Varun Vejalla, Saahith Janapati
Sathurst-- Rohan Chowla, Kevin Lee, Gabe Silverstein
3 Idiots Reevu Adakroy, Srikar Gouru, Vinay Bhaip
Max Flo Hidden User, Evan Rose, James McDowell
[awan" Brandon Ou, Bertram Zhai, Pawan Jayakumar
Bikash Jena Bikash Jena