The Most Awesome Northwest-KC Programming Contest v 2.0


Name Solved / Tries Average tries Average tries to solve
A Cryptographer's Conundrum 23/31 (74%) 1.24 1.13
B Seven Wonders 24/53 (45%) 2.04 1.71
C Friday the 13th 11/20 (55%) 1.67 1.73
D Army Strength (Easy) 9/48 (19%) 3.69 1.89
E Happy Happy Prime Prime 4/33 (12%) 3.30 2.50
F Game of Throwns 3/11 (27%) 1.83 2.00
G Neighborhood Watch 1/24 (4%) 3.43 1.00
H Geppetto 0/2 (0%) 1.00 --
I Zebras and Ocelots 3/37 (8%) 3.08 1.33