OU Fall 2023 W3



Your rank in the contest depends on the total time it took you to solve the problem (column Time). Ties are broken using the submission time of the last accepted submission.

Total time computation

The total time is defined as the sum of the submission times of your accepted submissions (don't worry, there will be an example) and any penalty time for incorrect submissions. Penalty time is computed as follows. You get 20 minutes of penalty time for each incorrect submission you make to a problem prior to solving it. Penalty is given for all judgements except Accepted, Compile Error and Judge Error.

Last accepted submission

The final tie breaker, in case two contestants have the same total time, is the time of the last accepted submission. In other words, if A and B both have total time 674, but A submitted her last accepted submission before B, then A places before B.

Reading the standings

On the standings page there are circles with different colors: green, red, or gray.

  • Green means that you have solved the problem.
  • Red means that you have submitted on the problem but all your submissions have been rejected.
  • Gray means that you have a submission to that problem, but the result (accept or reject) is pending.
  • No circle means that you have not submitted on that problem.

The upper number to the right of the circle is the number of submissions.

  • For green circles: this is specifically the number up to and including your first accepted submission (but not including any later submissions since they don't affect your score).
  • For red circles: this is the number of rejected submissions that give you a penalty, so not including Compile Error and Judge Error.
  • For gray circles: the number is actually two numbers (A + B). The first has the same meaning as for the red circle, and the second is the number of still pending submission.

The lower number to the right of the circle is the time.

  • For green circles: this is the time until you solved the problem.
  • For red and gray circles this number is not given.