Problem F
A haiku is a Japanese form of poetry. It consists of three phrases of $5$, $7$ and $5$ syllables each.
Once a year, HiQ has a haiku contest, where employees submit their best poems. The poems are then judged based on a wide range of aspects, such as
whether the poem is actually a haiku
This last point turned out to be quite a challenge for the judges (many problems arose when half the judges indexed syllables starting at $0$ and the other half at $1$).
Can you help the judges to determine whether a submitted poem is a haiku, given a set of syllables? Note that there may exist multiple decompositions of a single word in the poem into syllables. In this case, you should determine whether some decomposition is a haiku.
The first line of input contains a single integer $1 \le S \le 100$, the number of syllables. The next line contains $S$ words separated by spaces (the syllables). Each syllable contains at most $7$ lowercase letters a-z.
Then, three lines containing the poem follow. Each line contains a (non-empty) list of words separated by spaces, representing a phrase. The words contain only lowercase letters a-z. The length of each line is at most $100$ characters (including spaces).
It is guaranteed that there exists at least one decomposition of the poem into the given syllables.
Output “haiku” if the given poem is a haiku, and “come back next year” otherwise (without the quotes).
Explanation of Sample Input 1
One possible decomposition into a haiku is:
spe-lling ve-ry hard ear-ly in mor-ning ti-red i need cov-fe-fe
Explanation of Sample Input 3
No matter how the third line is decomposed, it contains $8$ syllables instead of $5$, so it can not be a haiku.
Sample Input 1 | Sample Output 1 |
20 va fi ve mor lling spe in i sh ti hard cov ear fe red ja ry need ly ning spelling very hard early in morning tired i need covfefe |
haiku |
Sample Input 2 | Sample Output 2 |
22 q c da plus to the e thee un late ci a shall by com i ru pare temp ble hi de shall i compare thee to a c plus plus template undecidable |
haiku |
Sample Input 3 | Sample Output 3 |
19 ju win soft it east sun and light der the is through li but yon what breaks et dow but soft what light through yonder window breaks it is the east and juliet is the sun |
come back next year |