Problem AJ
Sideways Sorting
We are so accustomed to reading strings from left to right, it can be a little difficult to think of strings that go right to left or even vertically. Here’s your chance to get some practice.
Input consists of up to $100$ test cases. Each test case starts with a line containing a pair of integers, $1 \le r, c \le 15$. This is followed by $r$ lines each containing $c$ characters chosen from A–Z (lowercase and uppercase). The last test case is followed by values of $0$ for both $r$ and $c$.
For each test case, print out a block of text containing the same columns as the input block but in sorted order. Think of each column as a string reading from top to bottom. Your output block should have the columns sorted lexicographically from left to right. Your sort should be a stable sort and it should ignore case. Print a blank line between each pair of adjacent output blocks.
Sample Input 1 | Sample Output 1 |
3 3 oTs nwi eox 3 4 xAxa yByb zCyc 0 0 |
osT niw exo Aaxx Bbyy Ccyz |