

Name Average score Average tries Average tries for full score
A Guess the Number 1300/15 (87) 1.07 1.08
B Room Painting 1000/19 (53) 1.90 1.90
C Out of Sorts 1200/13 (92) 1.00 1.00
D Firefly 1000/22 (45) 1.57 1.50
E Egypt 1100/23 (48) 2.09 2.09
F CD 900/12 (75) 1.33 1.33
G Awkward Party 300/11 (27) 1.83 2.00
H Akcija 600/8 (75) 1.14 1.00
I Hot Springs 100/1 (100) 1.00 1.00
J Ask Marilyn 200/6 (33) 1.20 1.50
K GlitchBot 0/0 (0) -- --