HCPC Practice #5 (for real this time)


Name Solved / Tries Average tries Average tries to solve
A Above Average 2/15 (13%) 3.00 2.00
B Flexible Spaces 2/7 (29%) 1.40 1.50
C Phone List 2/24 (8%) 4.00 3.00
D Engineering English 1/1 (100%) 1.00 1.00
E I Can Guess the Data Structure! 1/1 (100%) 1.00 1.00
F Troll Hunt 1/1 (100%) 1.00 1.00
G Beat the Spread! 1/1 (100%) 1.00 1.00
H Is-A? Has-A? Who Knowz-A? 4/11 (36%) 2.20 1.00
I Yoda 1/1 (100%) 1.00 1.00