Code Builders

Welcome to Code Builders

This is the contest system for Code Builders. The contest has now finished. You can view the final results.



  1. Programming Round 1.1 General

The contest will be held on May 24th, 1997 in the Computer Laboratory on the 4th floor of the Engineering Building. Contestants should meet at 9:30 for a brief introductory talk. The contest proper will begin at 10.00 am - and end at 13.00 pm.

Individuals or teams of up to three people will be allowed to compete. All contestants are required to present a valid student identification card.

Contestants cannot bring any notes or textbooks to the contest room. Blank sheets of paper and pencils will be supplied.

Contestants in the same team can discuss the problems they are assigned. However, they should do so in a quiet way and without disturbing contestants in other teams.

Referees will be assigned to observe teams throughout the contest and report any problems and/or violations of the rules to the Contest Committee. 1.2. Programming Environment

Each team will be allowed to use only a single computer and must write and test their programs on that machine, wholely within the contest room.

PC compatible computers running Windows NT will be used. At the Contest Committee's discretion, contestants may be allowed to use their own computer in the contest, provided that they notify the Contest Committee in writing at least one week prior to the contest, indicating the make and key features of their machine.

Contestants may write their programs in whichever language they prefer. The following programming languages will be available. (a) Borland C++ 4.52, (b) Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0, (c) Borland Delphi 2.0, (d) Microsoft Visual C++ 4.0, (e) Microsoft Visual J++ 1.0, (f) Java Devilopment Kit 1.1 (Javasoft).

At the Contest Committee's discretion, contestants may be allowed to bring/use their own compiler (or interpreter) in the contest provided that they notify the Contest Committee in writing at least one week prior to the contest and indicate the make, version number and key features of their chosen compiler.

Teams may submit only a single solution to each problem. All solutions must be submitted together on a single diskette. Both the source code and the executable program for each problem, must be included on the disk. Once submitted they may not be changed!

Teams may not seek hints and/or ask for leads during the contest. They may, however, submit questions about procedure and/or clarification, in writing, to the Contest Committee who will ensure that all teams receive the same information as deemed necessary. 1.3. Evaluation of Contestants' Programs

All teams will be given the same set of problems to solve.

Each problem will have a specified point value. The more difficult the problem, the more points a correct solution will receive.

Programs will be tested by two independent judges (appointed by the Contest Committee) by running them with a set of test inputs. The output for each test case will be marked as right or wrong using keys prepared before the contest.

A program will be considered wrong if it fails to work on one or more of the test cases. It will otherwise be considered correct for the purposes of this contest. {A program may still be wrong even if it passes all the test input cases. Every effort will be made to design test cases that will minimize the chance of missing an incorrect program.} A correct program will be awarded the full points, an incorrect one zero! In the event of a tie, programs will be awarded partial credits based on the number of tests correctly passed.

The Contest Committee will tally the scores for each team and publish a complete list. The teams with the four highest scores will be declared the winners and will be invited to take part in the trivia quiz round. The Contest Committee's decision in all matters is final.

Start & End Times

Start Time 2024-07-21 19:45 CEST
End time 2024-07-21 19:55 CEST


Label Problem
A Óvissa
B Which is Greater?


Pass/Fail — Order by Last Score Increase

Each problem is pass/fail. Participants are ordered by the time of the last solved problem


  • Standings are shown without limitation.