SBCC Weekend Competition


Name Solved / Tries Average tries Average tries to solve
A Timebomb 3/8 (38%) 2.67 2.67
B Safe Racing 0/0 (0%) -- --
C Galactic Collegiate Programming Contest 0/2 (0%) 2.00 --
D Travel the Skies 0/0 (0%) -- --
E Other Side 0/7 (0%) 7.00 --
F Rational Ratio 0/0 (0%) -- --
G An Industrial Spy 0/0 (0%) -- --
H Communications Satellite 0/0 (0%) -- --
I Minor Setback 0/0 (0%) -- --
J Substring Switcheroo 0/0 (0%) -- --
K Integer Division 2/14 (14%) 4.67 4.00
L Line Them Up 4/4 (100%) 1.00 1.00
M Erdős Numbers 0/0 (0%) -- --
N Pokegene 0/0 (0%) -- --
O Raging River 0/0 (0%) -- --