

Name Solved / Tries Average tries Average tries to solve
A Sum of the Others 5/11 (45%) 1.83 1.60
B Semafori 5/6 (83%) 1.20 1.20
C Prime Path 1/1 (100%) 1.00 1.00
D Robot Protection 1/1 (100%) 1.00 1.00
E Paradox With Averages 3/8 (38%) 2.00 1.00
F Cat Coat Colors 0/0 (0%) -- --
G Dacey the Dice 0/0 (0%) -- --
H Railway 0/0 (0%) -- --
I Great Geek Game-show 3000! 0/0 (0%) -- --
J Chinese Remainder Theorem (non-relatively prime moduli) 0/0 (0%) -- --