CMICH Practice 11/1/2017


Name Solved / Tries Average tries Average tries to solve
A Hanging Out on the Terrace 8/9 (89%) 1.12 1.12
B DRM Messages 4/4 (100%) 1.00 1.00
C Game of Throwns 3/8 (38%) 2.67 2.67
D Sheba's Amoebas 4/8 (50%) 1.60 1.25
E Haiku 0/0 (0%) -- --
F Pokemon Go Go 0/6 (0%) 3.00 --
G Crowd Control 0/0 (0%) -- --
H A Question of Ingestion 0/0 (0%) -- --
I Keeping On Track 0/0 (0%) -- --