Kattis ICPC North American Regionals 2015 Warm-up 5


Name Solved / Tries Average tries Average tries to solve
A Floating-Point Format Conversion 9/33 (27%) 2.54 1.78
B Farey Sums 8/10 (80%) 1.11 1.12
C Happy Happy Prime Prime 44/105 (42%) 2.06 1.80
D Height Ordering 50/75 (67%) 1.47 1.46
E Islands in the Data Stream 42/64 (66%) 1.45 1.45
F Mancala 30/38 (79%) 1.23 1.23
G The Queen's Super-circular Patio 10/10 (100%) 1.00 1.00
H A Rational Sequence 34/92 (37%) 2.49 2.50
I Growing Rectangular Spiral 23/44 (52%) 1.76 1.74