2016 North American Practice Contest 1
Name | Team Members | ||
Raymund Edgar Alvarez | Raymund Edgar Alvarez |
Timothy Johnson | Timothy Johnson |
SDSM&T Cyan | Cheldon Coughlen, Naomi Green, Michael Pfeifer |
Doesn't Matter | Justin Park, Yifan Zhou, Jon Marks |
Team H | Parker Irving, Phillip Ngo, Alexander Helyar |
Ion Mandoiu | Ion Mandoiu |
Team 10 | Raju Nadimpalli, Yevhen Pylypenko, JooYoung Whang |
John Paul Hanson | John Paul Hanson |
Aaron Wilson | Aaron Wilson | ||
Larry D. Pyeatt | Larry D. Pyeatt |
Hidden User | Hidden User |
Viktor Shcheglov | Viktor Shcheglov | |
Nicklas Elyoenai Imbiri | Nicklas Elyoenai Imbiri | |
SDSMT GREEN | Lucas Carpenter, Alexander Crawford, Lucas Kerr |
Jacob Burroughs | Jacob Burroughs |
6 out for Harambe | Alexander Glasson |
Yes | Andy Sin, Geson Chong, Shengzhe Xu |
Azrael Brown | Azrael Brown |
Quinn Vissak | Quinn Vissak |
Zachary Itskin | Zachary Itskin | |
🇸🇩🇸🇲&🇹 🇧🇱🇺🇪 💻💯 | Christopher Navarro, Micah Picasso, Aaron Alphonsus |
Team C | Shahmir Ahmed, Richard Lee, Kamran Rana |
Frank Luan | Frank Luan |
STEAK TEAM | Michael Campbell |
Marlon Liu | Marlon Liu |
Hannah Brown | Hannah Brown |
Team 8 WCBNWZPIZIUJM | Daniel Amick, Andrew Maczugowski, Stu Harvey |
ZizouNation | Matin Shirandasht |
Wesley Kelly | Wesley Kelly |
Lingyao Meng | Lingyao Meng |
Phạm Quang Hòa | Phạm Quang Hòa |
Sourav Panth | Sourav Panth |
Pedro Contipelli | Pedro Contipelli | |
Team 5 | Luke Quinn, Jeff Robertson |
subpar | Katherine Staepel, John Purviance |
Tyler Daddio | Tyler Daddio |
` | Andriy Katkov, Chris Wu, Peter Steele |
ಠ_ಠ | Jamie Simon, Ariana Herbst, Daniel Moyer |
NULL //did we break it? | Bret Tomko, Phillip Hrinko, Kasra Eslami |
Team 9 | Bright Zheng, Jameson Dyer, Hunter Morris |
Team 69 | Hidden User |
Stephen Huh | Stephen Huh | ||
Det kommutativa laget | Antony Lee, Andreas Jansson, Eskil Jarlskog |
The AJ Styles fan club | Rupin Khera, Lawrence Peczkowski-Soto, Allie Howe |
Ethan Coldren | Ethan Coldren |
Team10 | |
FIU BLUE | Daniel Herrera |
A relaxed civilazation of the Outer Eastern Rim of the Galaxy | Sean McHugh, Taber Fisher, Kendra Song |
Emily Hazen | Emily Hazen | ||
Black Fedora Group | Nick Wu |
qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm | Chandler Manns, Neha Kapur, Sushma Mandava |
Savanna Smith | Savanna Smith |
Sungha Song | Sungha Song |
tcpdump | Harrison Fang, Lance Chao, Eric Williamson |
Elias Gorine | Elias Gorine |
Spencer Soles | Spencer Soles |
SDSM&T RED | Alexander Iverson, Matthew Dyke, Matthew Joseph Schallenkamp |
Aisha Rigert | Aisha Rigert |
Kasper Borys | Kasper Borys |
What team is it??? ADVENTURE TEAM! | Michael LoPiccolo |
A neutral civilization ∈ the Outer Weastern Rim of the Galaxy | Vyas Nellutla, Antonio Mendiola | |
Anthony D'Andrea | Anthony D'Andrea |
WHERE ARE THE MONKEYS? | Paulo Augusto Gomes Kataki, Rafael de Assis Cruz | |
Ranit Debnath Akash | Ranit Debnath Akash |
An agitated civilization on the Outer Western Rim of the Galaxy | Zachary Owen, Christian Sieh |
Logan Bond | Logan Bond |
FIU Gold | Wendy Aleman, Giuseppe Vietri, Zhenglin Pan |
Mahfoud Othman | Mahfoud Othman |
Hannah Brodheim | Hannah Brodheim |
Roger Ballard | Roger Ballard |
Joel De La Cruz | Joel De La Cruz |
Team7VT | Swaraj Dhumne, Andrew Lahann, Nathaniel Lahn |
Florida Institute of Technology | Andre Leone, Ryan Hartman |
just me, Joe | Joe Byrd |
Pasha Khosravi | Pasha Khosravi |
FIU PANDA | Antonio Ramos, Jason Thomas |
Fernando Serrano | Fernando Serrano |
Ted Morin | Ted Morin |
TeamNotFoundException | Puyush Goel, Akshay Goel |
Raul | Raul Valle | |
Chandler Griscom | Chandler Griscom |
Kenneth Worden | Kenneth Worden | ||
Zhen Lin | Zhen Lin |
Felipe Zeiser | Felipe Zeiser | |
bBaPFeBQUG | Alyssa Herbst, Ishita Ganotra, Mohammad Haider |
Kevin Wang | Kevin Wang |
Rohit Padma | Rohit Padma | ||
Jessica Sun | Jessica Sun |
CrouchingTiger | Zhiyi Li |
Yifan Guan | Yifan Guan |
Team 11 | Francisco Bernier, Christopher Guilliams, Kyle Long |
Manshant Singh Kohli | Manshant Singh Kohli |
Adam Freymiller | Adam Freymiller | ||
Rahul Sengupta | Rahul Sengupta |
Phan Nhat Khang | Phan Nhat Khang | ||
Noname | Fredrik Präntare, Filip Haglund, Henrik Adolfsson |
SDSM&T White | Kenneth Petry, Andrew Stelter, Christina Taylor |