-418 days 21:50:58
Contest is over

ICPC NA East Division 2023 - Open

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Time Remaining


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-418 days 21:50:58

Ends in

-418 days 16:50:58


2023-10-29 16:15 CET


2023-10-29 21:15 CET

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ICPC NA East Division 2023 - Open


Name Solved / Tries Average tries Average tries to solve
A A Pivotal Question 28/112 (25%) 3.20 3.07
B B Road Band 10/22 (45%) 1.83 1.70
C Prof. Fumblemore and the Collatz Conjecture 17/91 (19%) 3.79 2.94
D Convex Hull Extension 1/36 (3%) 5.14 6.00
E Cornhusker 28/49 (57%) 1.75 1.75
F Double Up 22/48 (46%) 1.92 1.91
G Forest for the Trees 9/42 (21%) 3.82 3.89
H Impartial Strings 4/13 (31%) 2.60 3.00
I ISBN Conversion 16/62 (26%) 2.70 2.00
J Pearls 2/12 (17%) 4.00 3.00
K Split Decisions 12/27 (44%) 1.80 1.75
L A (Fast) Walk in the Woods 5/29 (17%) 4.83 5.60