

Name Solved / Tries Average tries Average tries to solve
A Hello World! 24/29 (83%) 1.21 1.21
B Quick Brown Fox 21/57 (37%) 2.59 2.52
C Run-Length Encoding, Run! 22/47 (47%) 2.04 2.05
D Bounding Robots 21/38 (55%) 1.81 1.81
E Islands in the Data Stream 15/36 (42%) 2.00 2.07
F Pipe Rotation 7/14 (50%) 1.56 1.29
G DNA 8/32 (25%) 2.91 2.25
H Goblin Garden Guards 0/75 (0%) 9.38 --
I Towers of Powers 2: Power Harder 1/8 (12%) 4.00 1.00