
Problem O
Counting Days

When doing competitive programming, one can sometimes fall into an almost trance-like state. Minutes becomes hours, hours becomes days, and suddenly you don’t even know for how many days you have been programming! Of course, this just became another problem for you to solve by writing programs. By looking at the current time with intervals of less than an entire day, you can always compute the current date, relative to some starting date.


Your task is to write a program in C++ that supports two operations:

  • void lookAtClock(int hours, int minutes) – take a report on the current time in 24-hour format (i.e. $0 \le hours < 24$ and $0 \le minutes < 60$).

  • int getDay() – return the number of days that you have been programming.

Before the first call to any function, it is 00:00 on day $1$. When getDay is called, assume that it is called immediately after the last invocation to lookAtClock, so that the number of days is the same on the two calls.

It is guaranteed that the function lookAtClock is called at least once every $23$ hours and $59$ minutes. Thus, the first call will always be a time on day $1$. At least 1 minute will have elapsed between calls too. The two functions will together be called at most $1\, 000$ times.


You can use the template in countingdays.cpp from the Attachments menu when implementing your program. When submitting your code, send in only this file.


First, download the file countingdays.h from the Attachments menu and save it in the same place as your solution. That file calls your program with a fixed test case and reports whether it was correct.

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