UoN Annual Programming Competition 2016


Name Solved / Tries Average tries Average tries to solve
A Stuck In A Time Loop 24/27 (89%) 1.12 1.12
B Sum of the Others 17/43 (40%) 2.15 1.94
C A Classy Problem 6/16 (38%) 1.78 1.83
D I've Been Everywhere, Man 22/34 (65%) 1.48 1.36
E Jumbled Communication 12/14 (86%) 1.17 1.17
F Kornislav 22/27 (81%) 1.17 1.14
G Association for Computing Machinery 15/43 (35%) 2.53 2.40
H Bachet's Game 4/7 (57%) 1.40 1.00
I Where's My Internet?? 7/25 (28%) 1.79 1.43