CPD Day 6


Name Solved / Tries Average tries Average tries to solve
A Permuted Arithmetic Sequence 10/20 (50%) 1.43 1.20
B Watch Out For Those Hailstones! 11/24 (46%) 1.50 1.45
C 3D Printed Statues 16/23 (70%) 1.35 1.25
D Bus 11/22 (50%) 1.29 1.27
E Best Compression Ever 10/19 (53%) 1.12 1.00
F The Backslash Problem 3/7 (43%) 1.40 1.00
G The Calculus of Ada 3/4 (75%) 1.00 1.00
H Reseto 3/3 (100%) 1.00 1.00
I Prime Reduction 2/3 (67%) 1.00 1.00
J Catalan Numbers 2/4 (50%) 1.33 1.50
K Catalan Square 0/2 (0%) 1.00 --
L Riječi 6/7 (86%) 1.17 1.17
M Modular Arithmetic 1/1 (100%) 1.00 1.00
N Divisible Subsequences 1/1 (100%) 1.00 1.00
O ICPC Tutorial 1/5 (20%) 1.67 2.00
P Another Candies 10/27 (37%) 1.59 1.40