BAPC training 2019 week 1: Ad-hoc problems


Name Solved / Tries Average tries Average tries to solve
A Hello World! 15/16 (94%) 1.07 1.07
B Last Factorial Digit 17/34 (50%) 2.00 2.00
C Speed Limit 16/23 (70%) 1.44 1.44
D Skocimis 16/27 (59%) 1.69 1.69
E Quick Brown Fox 17/24 (71%) 1.41 1.41
F Sok 15/21 (71%) 1.40 1.40
G Army Strength (Hard) 8/19 (42%) 1.73 1.75
H Amsterdam Distance 8/17 (47%) 2.12 2.12
I Block Game 9/22 (41%) 2.20 2.33
J Sticky Situation 13/34 (38%) 2.62 2.62
K Counting Subsequences (Hard) 3/7 (43%) 1.40 1.67
L Batmanacci 5/14 (36%) 2.80 2.80
M Rotate to root 0/6 (0%) 6.00 --