
Problem F

In a parliament of $P$ members, the speaker wants to divide the parliament into (at least two) disjoint subcommittees of equal size. Of course, the chair of such a subcommittee furthermore wants to divide their subcommittee into (at least two) sub-subcommittees of equal size, and so on, until no further divisions can be performed.

What is the maximum number of levels of subcommittees that can be created?


The first and only line contains the integer $P$ ($1 \le P \le 10^{16}$), the number of people in the parliament.


Output the maximum number of levels of subcommittees.

Explanation of samples

In the first example, we could first divide the $6$ people into $3$ groups of $2$ people. Each of these groups could then be divided into $2$ groups of $1$ person. This forms $3$ levels of subcommittees.

In the second example, it is only possible to split everyone into a subgroup of a single person, leading to $2$ levels.

Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1
Sample Input 2 Sample Output 2

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