Computer Empowerment

Welcome to Computer Empowerment

This is the contest system for Computer Empowerment. The contest has now finished. You can view the final results.



Computer Empowerment: Solving Real World Problems

Challenge Description

In this challenge, participants are tasked with leveraging computer science and technology to address pressing real-world issues. The goal is to create innovative solutions that can make a tangible difference in people's lives or contribute to solving global challenges.


  1. Identify a significant real-world problem that can be addressed using computer technology.
  2. Develop a comprehensive solution using programming, data analysis, artificial intelligence, or other relevant computer science concepts.
  3. Demonstrate the potential impact and feasibility of the proposed solution.

Submission Requirements

  1. Problem Statement (Max 500 words)

    • Clearly define the problem you're addressing
    • Provide context and explain its significance
  2. Proposed Solution (Max 1000 words)

    • Detailed description of your technological solution
    • Explanation of how it addresses the identified problem
  3. Technical Implementation (Max 1000 words)

    • Overview of the technologies, algorithms, or frameworks used
    • Description of data sources and how data is processed/analyzed

      Evaluation Criteria

  4. Innovation and Creativity (25%)

    • Originality of the idea
    • Creative use of technology
  5. Technical Sophistication (25%)

    • Complexity and appropriateness of the technical solution
    • Effective use of computer science concepts

Start & End Times

Start Time 2024-07-20 20:35 CEST
End time 2024-07-21 01:35 CEST


Partial Credit — Ranked

Standard scoreboard type for problems with partial credit. Participants are ranked by the sum of the score of each problem. There is no tiebreaker.


  • Standings are shown without limitation.