Chaos Problem Set


Name Solved / Tries Average tries Average tries to solve
A Eligibility 16/40 (40%) 2.22 2.12
B Hello World! 22/22 (100%) 1.00 1.00
C Beat the Spread! 17/47 (36%) 2.35 2.06
D ASCII Addition 10/17 (59%) 1.70 1.70
E Greedily Increasing Subsequence 14/32 (44%) 2.29 2.29
F Jolly Jumpers 10/106 (9%) 7.57 8.00
G Game of Throwns 7/20 (35%) 2.22 2.14
H Candy Division 11/97 (11%) 5.71 4.91
I Dyslectionary 7/23 (30%) 2.56 2.43
J Fun House 9/19 (47%) 2.11 2.11
K Closest Sums 9/29 (31%) 2.42 2.67
L Cudoviste 12/17 (71%) 1.42 1.42