
Name Solved / Tries Average tries Average tries to solve
A Heliocentric 5/11 (45%) 1.38 1.40
B Paul Eigon 8/15 (53%) 1.36 1.12
C Jumbled Communication 2/2 (100%) 1.00 1.00
D Estimating the Area of a Circle 3/4 (75%) 1.00 1.00
E Sylvester Construction 0/1 (0%) 1.00 --
F Synchronizing Lists 2/2 (100%) 1.00 1.00
G Watchdog 2/3 (67%) 1.50 1.50
H Flying Safely 2/2 (100%) 1.00 1.00
I Mars Window 2/2 (100%) 1.00 1.00
J Sibice 4/7 (57%) 1.17 1.25
K Babelfish 4/5 (80%) 1.25 1.25
L Baby Bites 1/3 (33%) 1.50 1.00
M The Easiest Problem Is This One 4/5 (80%) 1.00 1.00
N Odd Gnome 5/6 (83%) 1.20 1.20