Lille Kat 2023:3


Name Solved / Tries Average tries Average tries to solve
A Add Two Numbers 33/37 (89%) 1.12 1.12
B N-sum 32/46 (70%) 1.44 1.44
C Metronome 32/36 (89%) 1.12 1.12
D Blueberry Waffle 28/56 (50%) 1.93 1.93
E Streets Ahead 24/44 (55%) 1.63 1.62
F Repetitive Song 12/15 (80%) 1.25 1.25
G Sun and Moon 22/55 (40%) 2.20 1.64
H Fading Wind 22/37 (59%) 1.68 1.68
I Cuckoo Hashing 6/33 (18%) 2.20 1.33
J Three Dice 0/7 (0%) 1.75 --
K Three Digits 4/74 (5%) 7.40 9.50
L Chocolate Chip Fabrication 0/0 (0%) -- --
M Bog of Eternal Stench 0/9 (0%) 9.00 --
N Funny Games 2/4 (50%) 1.00 1.00