The Coding Contest on Kattis is designed to challenge programmers of all skill levels with a series of algorithmic and problem-solving tasks. Participants will compete by solving a diverse set of problems that test their knowledge of data structures, algorithms, mathematics, and logical thinking. Each problem will be judged automatically based on correctness and efficiency, ensuring a fair and competitive environment. The contest aims to foster learning and innovation while providing an exciting platform for coders to showcase their abilities. Whether you are a beginner looking to improve your skills or an experienced programmer seeking a new challenge, this contest offers a thrilling opportunity to compete, learn, and excel in the world of competitive programming.
Start & End Times
Start Time | 2025-03-21 19:05 CET |
End time | 2025-03-21 19:20 CET |
Partial Credit — Ranked (with tiebreaker)
Participants are ranked by the sum of the score of each problem. Ties are broken by the time of the last score-increasing submission
- Standings are shown without limitation.
Ada Algol 68 APL Bash C C# C++ COBOL Common Lisp Crystal D Dart Elixir Erlang F# Forth Fortran Go Haskell Java JavaScript (Node.js) JavaScript (SpiderMonkey) Julia Kotlin Lua Modula-2 Nim Objective-C OCaml Octave Odin Pascal Perl PHP Prolog Python 2 Python 3 Racket Ruby Rust Simula 67 Smalltalk SNOBOL Swift TypeScript Visual Basic Zig