

Name Solved / Tries Average tries Average tries to solve
A Egypt 62/599 (10%) 6.44 4.84
B Rounded Buttons 6/63 (10%) 3.50 3.33
C Code Guessing 26/327 (8%) 6.06 5.15
D Compositions 2/6 (33%) 1.50 1.50
E Room Painting 9/210 (4%) 5.68 5.78
F Narrow Art Gallery 7/24 (29%) 2.40 1.00
G Balls and Bins 0/9 (0%) 2.25 --
H Collecting Beepers 3/26 (12%) 2.17 2.00
I Assassins 1/9 (11%) 1.50 2.00