
Problem I
Connect the Dots

Write a program to read in a visual description of a connect-the-dots puzzle, then connect the dots and print the result.


Input contains up to $100$ images. Each image is rectangular and has dots indicated by the symbols $0, 1, \ldots , 9$, a, b, …, z, A, B, …, Z. It is guaranteed that if any dot appears, then all preceding dots in the above sequence also appear. So, for example, if the dot ‘b’ occurs, then dots $0$ through $9$ and ‘a’ also occur. Each dot appears at most once. Non-dots are indicated by periods. Each image has $1$ to $100$ rows $1$ and $100$ columns. Input ends at end of file.


For each image, print out the dots-connected image, as illustrated in the sample output. Connected dots will always be vertically or horizontally related; there are no diagonal lines. The lines should not obscure any dots, and if two lines cross, then indicate that as shown with a plus (+). Do not connect the last dot with the first dot. Produce a blank line between each pair of images.

Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1





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